
Dress Code

The Dubuque Golf and Country Club, as a private Club, wishes to make all members and their guests comfortable and asks that consideration be given with regards to dress code.

 Main Floor, Dining Rooms (Informal and Formal), Grill Room and Porch: 
Casual Attire is acceptable. Prohibited attire: Sweatpants, short shorts, halter tops, tank tops and swimming attire. No Swim attire or bare feet are allowed in the Clubhouse, except for the Locker Rooms. Baseball-style hats and other forms of informal headwear are not acceptable attire for either adults or children on the main floor of the clubhouse. This includes the Living Room, Dining Rooms, and Main Bar. Caps, and other informal headwear such as visors may be worn on the Member Porch and in the Grill Room. 

 Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. Members must bring separate athletic shoes for use in the workout areas. ONLY clean dry athletic shoes will be allowed in the Fitness Center to work out in (no sandals, boots, hard soled shoes, socks, etc.). 

The following dress code, for both Adults and Juniors, is in effect from April 15 through September 15 and applies to the golf course, putting green and driving range. Those in violation of the dress code will not be allowed access to these areas. 

  • Ladies/Girls: Shirts with or without sleeves, dresses, Bermuda shorts, skorts, slacks and Capri pants are permitted. Blue jeans, short shorts, halter tops, tank tops, and swimming attire are prohibited. 
  • Men/Boys: Shirts with sleeves and collars or mock-neck shirts, Bermuda shorts or slacks are permitted. Blue jeans, swimming attire, tank tops, athletic shorts, T-shirts and jogging shorts are prohibited. 

Golf or tennis shoes must be worn at all times. Metal spikes are not allowed on the golf course. 

 As a family Club, we will not allow thongs, Brazilian cut, or transparent swim wear. Swim attire is required in the water: One-piece, two-piece, or tankini suits for ladies/girls; swim trunks for men/boys; surf/swim shirts (Lycra/nylon) designed for water use are all appropriate. If a member or their guest violates this rule, they will be asked to leave the area. 

 All adult and junior players shall wear appropriate tennis shoes and attire on courts. Shirts must be worn. Swimwear is prohibited. No offensive language is allowed on clothing. 

 Clubhouse: (563) 583-9158 
 Golf Shop: (563) 583-9150 
 Fax: (563) 588-3340 

Dubuque Golf & Country Club
1800 Randall Place 
Dubuque IA 52003 
©2024 Dubuque Golf & Country Club. All Rights Reserved
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